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Jocelyn Star Feather is a Visibility & Thought Leadership Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs, Spiritual Alchemist, Astrologer, & Founder of Sacred Planet. She shares shamanic and ancient wisdom to guide courageous seekers in co-creating a revolutionary new world in alignment with Mother Earth and the vast intelligence of the Cosmos. After a successful 15-year corporate career working in finance for major multinational companies, Jocelyn was thrust into a deep spiritual awakening. It was that awakening which turned her life upside-down … And from which she emerged with a powerful understanding of how to use her intuition and healing abilities ~ Aspects of herself that she'd never had access to before. She dove deeply into earth-based & shamanic practices, and she has studied alongside elders and wisdomkeepers ever since. She has extensively studied ancient civilizations, especially cultures where the Goddess held a strong presence; and she has spent profound & life-changing time in the ancient temples and pyramids of Egypt.  Jocelyn blends alchemy, astrology, Hermeticism, ancient & indigenous wisdom, and a magical shamanic perspective to coach & guide visionary entrepreneurs, revolutionaries and change makers all around the world. Her mission is to help people break free from everything that has held them back, so they can joyfully offer their highest contribution to our collective future.

You can learn more about Jocelyn on her website:

and on her YouTube channel:


The Goddess in Her Act of Creation: A potent video workshop guided by Jocelyn Star Feather. This presentation is a deep journey, far back into the past. We’ll explore who we were 30,000 years ago, and make new discoveries about the wisdom & ways of life of our far-distant ancestors. We’ll also explore our earth-and-star-based origins as human beings. You will experience a beautiful shamanic journey to "re-fractalize" yourself ~ So you can see & FEEL your fractal, holographic nature and embody your true & deep power.

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